WALT: write a recount using a rubric to help us. 
SC: set a goal level you want to achieve from the rubric
Writing PROMPT: The Four Day Weekend!
Select at least three ideas (things that happened) from your long weekend to write about. Things could be:
A visiting a friend or relative
A sports game you watched
A board/card/computer game you played
A special meal you enjoyed
Going to the shops/movies/ park etc.
Helping to look after a younger brother/sister.
Something you made.
A book you read/ movie watched
… Anything at all that you did over the four days.
MY GOAL: My goals are to reach level 2.
IDEAS: 3 main ideas using describing words to tell what happened.
On a Saturday morning it was freezing and splashi day. We ran outside to play cricket but we saw the rain poring down from the sky. So we ran quickly back into the house to get dried up. We were sokin from the water. So we had a shower and stayed in the house.
Next we got our books and start drawing till the rain stopped. Tick, tock, tick,tock, tick, tock, but the rain wont stop. So we got so bored that we slept for an hour. We woke up and opened the curtains saw it stop raining. So we got our shoes and ran outside but when we got outside we slip because the ground was all wet and muddy. We walked back in the house, and got our house all muddy as well.
After that we had another shower to get cleaned. We couldn't go anywhere so we wanted to go to our cousins house. So we found good clothes to wear. By the time we hopped into our car it started raining again. We drove of to our cousin house. When we were getting there, their was a q on the road. We waited and waited and waited. Finally its over we said’. We were nearly there. But my brother Mason was thirsty so we went to by some water. Then he got hungry the we byed food to. it was exhausting. When we got there we hopped of the car and ran inside our cousins house. We stayed there for a day. The next morning we got ready to go back home. So we did.
We haven't been to our cousins house for a while. It was exciting to meet them.
they look bigger now from the other days.`
The most thing i found difficult was to get ideas but the recount rubric gave me more ideas.
The most thing i found easy to do was to make more impressive words then wet and cold.